Over the past year, through the kindness and generosity that you and others have provided to our organization, we were able to:
- Provide transitional housing, rent and utility assistance to ensure housing for 866 people including children in metropolitan Atlanta.
- Provide financial assistance for feeding programs for 160 orphans and homeless children in Nigeria, South Africa, and metropolitan Atlanta.
- Provide 40,000 books for educational programs for over 20,000 students in Nigeria and Ghana.
- Provide mentoring, summer and after school programs for 186 children in metropolitan Atlanta and Uganda.
We are pleased to have served over 21,000 children last year. However, our work is never ending as long as there is hunger, homelessness, hopelessness, illiteracy and families need us, with your help, and we will be around to help them!
Africa’s Children’s Fund has an administrative office located at 2310 Parklake Drive in Atlanta, GA and has a Programs facility located at 2270 Flat Shoals Road in Riverdale. Our programs also operate in elementary and secondary schools as well as recreational and community centers throughout metropolitan Atlanta.