Rapid Re-Housing, rent and utility assistance, and referral services provided to families and people living with AIDS in the City of Atlanta, as well as DeKalb, Henry, Clayton, and Cobb counties.
We try to provide short-term financial assistance for HIV+ individuals and families experiencing financial crisis.
Qualifying expenses include rent, mortgage and utilities such as gas, water and electricity.
Mortgages, deposits (Rental or Utility) first month rent, applications fees or moving experiences are not eligible expenses. This service is funded with federal appropriations made to the City of Atlanta’s Housing Opportunities for Persons living with AIDS (HOPWA) program.
Qualified applicants may receive assistance for a limited time and are approved based on individual circumstances and availability of funds.
Applicants are required to be case managed clients by a verifiable case management agency.
Applicants must provide proof of demonstrated need, plan for self-sufficiency, medical status, current income verification from the past 30 days, and a copy of the invoice or bill for which the request is being made.
More funds are needed to assist families especially in DeKalb county where we are funded to provide referrals services only.